Pill Timer

This box of tricks plays a tune three times a day to remind you to take your pills. My mum finds it most useful. The list of literals are the tune for the single tone beeper (note, rest, note, rest...). The three main routines are called in the main loop here. This was my first PIC project.
; Pill Timer (c) R Geleit November 2006
; Version 1.1
; Plays a tune 4 times a day to remind you to take your pills (mum)
; PIC16F84A
; Crystal frequency 3.2768MHz

    list      p=16F84A             ; list directive to define processor
    #include <p16F84A.inc>         ; processor specific variable definitions


    RADIX dec


mark32  equ        0x0C            ; postscaler = 1/100 sec
hundths equ        0x0D
secs    equ        0x0E
mins    equ        0x0F
hours   equ        0x10

flags   equ        0x11
bpbar   equ        0               ; new beep allowed? (bit)

nextinv equ        0x12            ; time of next note change
beepno  equ        0x13            ; current beep in list
buztick equ        0x14            ; 1/100 sec postscaler for beep timing

        ORG     0x000              ; processor reset vector

        goto    start
init    clrf    PORTA              ; reset in/out
        clrf    PORTB              ;

        bsf     STATUS,5           ; select bank 1

        movlw   1                  ; RA0=button 0001
        movwf   TRISA

        movlw   0                  ; RB0=buzzer
        movwf   TRISB

        movlw   7                  ; external timer, max prescale 00000111
        movwf   OPTION_REG

        bcf     STATUS,5           ; select bank 0
        clrf    INTCON             ; no interrupts

        retlw   0

start   call    init

        bcf     PORTB,0            ; turn off buzzer

bwait   btfss   PORTA,0            ; wait 'till button pressed
        goto    bwait 

        movlw   30                 ; set time (10.30am)
        movwf   mins
        movlw   10
        movwf   hours
        clrf    secs
        clrf    hundths
; call turnon

mloop   call    time               ; update file regs with current time
        call    beep               ; maintain tune
        call    newbp              ; start tune if time is right

        goto    mloop

time    movfw   mark32             ; update clock registers
        subwf   TMR0,W
        btfss   STATUS,Z           ; 32 ticks of TMR0?
        movlw   32                 ; reset postscaler
        addwf   mark32,F
        incf    hundths,F
        incf    buztick,F
        movlw   100
        subwf   hundths,W
        btfss   STATUS,Z           ; 100 hundredths of a second?
        clrf    hundths
        incf    secs,F             ; then increase seconds
        movlw   60
        subwf   secs,W
        btfss   STATUS,Z           ; 60 seconds?
        clrf    secs
        incf    mins,F             ; then increase minutes
        movlw   60
        subwf   mins,W
        btfss   STATUS,Z           ; 60 minutes?
        clrf    mins
        incf    hours,F            ; then increase hours
        movlw   24
        subwf   hours,W
        btfss   STATUS,Z           ; 24 hours?
        clrf    hours              ; then midnight

    movlw    226                   ; -30 seconds adjusts xtal default
    movwf    secs
beep    movlw   0                  ; maintain tune
        subwf   beepno,W
        btfsc   STATUS,Z           ; beepno=0 => no tune playing so bomb

        movfw   nextinv
        subwf   buztick,W
        btfss   STATUS,Z           ; time to stop/start a note?

        comf    PORTB,F            ; stop/start note
        incf    beepno,F           ; add next note duration to ticker
        call    nbl
        movfw   buztick            ; tune is 0 terminated. if buztick=nextinv
        subwf   nextinv,W          ; here then the note has no length
        btfss   STATUS,Z           ; and the tune is ended

        clrf    beepno             ; tune is ended
        clrf    PORTB
        bcf     flags,bpbar


nbl     movfw   beepno             ; get next beep/rest length
        call    getinv
        addwf   buztick,W
        movwf   nextinv


getinv  addwf   PCL,F              ; return note/rest length

        retlw   0
        retlw   30
        retlw   6
        retlw   9
        retlw   15
        retlw   6
        retlw   9
        retlw   30
        retlw   6
        retlw   9
        retlw   15
        retlw   6
        retlw   9
        retlw   30
        retlw   6
        retlw   9
        retlw   15
        retlw   6
        retlw   9
        retlw   30    
        retlw   240
        retlw   30
        retlw   6
        retlw   9
        retlw   15
        retlw   6
        retlw   9
        retlw   30
        retlw   6
        retlw   9
        retlw   15
        retlw   6
        retlw   9
        retlw   30
        retlw   6
        retlw   9
        retlw   15
        retlw   6
        retlw   9
        retlw   30    
        retlw   240
        retlw   30
        retlw   6
        retlw   9
        retlw   15
        retlw   6
        retlw   9
        retlw   30
        retlw   6
        retlw   9
        retlw   15
        retlw   6
        retlw   9
        retlw   30
        retlw   6
        retlw   9
        retlw   15
        retlw   6
        retlw   9
        retlw   30    
        retlw   0

newbp   btfsc   flags,bpbar
test1   movlw   0                  ; check time first sec of min only
        subwf   secs,W
        btfss   STATUS,Z

        movlw   30                 ; 10:30?
        subwf   mins,W
        btfss   STATUS,Z
        goto    test2
        movlw   10
        subwf   hours,W
        btfsc   STATUS,Z
        goto    turnon
test2   movlw   0                  ; 15:00?
        subwf   mins,W
        btfss   STATUS,Z
        goto    test3
        movlw   15
        subwf   hours,W
        btfsc   STATUS,Z
        goto    turnon

test3   movlw   0                  ; 19:00?
        subwf   mins,W
        btfss   STATUS,Z
        movlw   19
        subwf   hours,W
        btfss   STATUS,Z
turnon  movlw   1                  ; start tune!
        movwf   beepno
        call    nbl
        bsf     PORTB,0        
        bsf     flags,bpbar
